Dr. Dorie's UnDiet™
Diets Don’t Work!
Undo the Damage of Diets and
Be Healthy through Self-Love & Self-Care
A Weighty Problem
Research reveals that 95% of dieters regain any weight they may lose – usually ending up weighing more than when they started dieting. Some people can literally diet their way up to obesity. Can you relate?
About 1/3 of people enrolled at weight loss centers have Binge Eating Disorder – but they may not know it. All they know is that they feel “out of control” when they break their diet, eating “everything they shouldn’t.” Sound like you?
At the other extreme, 35% of dieters become “obsessed” with weight loss, and no matter what they weigh, it’s “never good enough.” These people may be on their way to other types of eating disorders, such as Anorexia or Bulimia. Are you dying to be thin?
Dr. Dorie – the “Don’t Diet Doctor” – can help you with Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ to undo the damage that dieting can do. Featuring Dr. Dorie’s method of EDIT™ (Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy), you’ll discover how to practice Self-Love & Self-Care, and enjoy Health at Every Size (HAES®) as a natural outcome. Why weight?

Dr. Dorie's UnDiet™ Solution

Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ is the culmination of Dr. Dorie’s 25 years of research about eating disorders, obesity treatment, weight stigma, fat shaming, and other food and body issues. Through her her personal experience in recovery, Dr. Dorie learned 5 key principles now known as EDIT™ (Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy), which she uses to guide her clients. Dr. Dorie has found that these 5 EDIT™ principles have essential applications for people struggling with weight problems and obesity. Even though you may not have an eating disorder, Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ can help prevent the development of an eating disorder in the future. Most importantly, Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ can undo the damage that diets can do, guiding you through Self-Love & Self Care to enjoy Health at Every Size (HAES®).
After testing various program formats, Dr. Dorie has honed in on a 6-Week Program for the best outcomes. In both 1-on-1 and group settings, Dr. Dorie’s clients report a 95% success rate, achieving goals such as: loving the image in the mirror, finding freedom with food (without binge eating), using healthy coping skills (to end emotional eating), nurturing self-care practices (instead of diet deprivation), and long-term success (free of dieting forever)! By achieving these goals, Health at Every Size (HAES®) is a natural outcome! Previously, Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ was only available by meeting in-person with Dr. Dorie at her office in Denver, Colorado. Now, you can receive all of the features and benefits that her clients report, through a 6-Week Self-Help Program, delivered via email directly to your in-box!
When you purchase Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ Solution, watch your email for delivery of your downloadable Self-Help resources. These include: Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ Workbook (a 104-page document that you can print at home and get started using right away), plus Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ Messages (six audio recordings in an mp3 format, which you can listen to on your computer with an audio player, or import into iTunes to listen to on your Smart Phone). Each of the audio messages accompanies sections in the workbook, so you can listen and take notes as you follow along. It’s like having Dr. Dorie right there with you, sharing her motivational messages to inspire your diet-freedom and weight-success!
Because Dr. Dorie knows the benefit of 1-on-1 coaching which can be customized to meet your specific needs, you’ll receive a FREE BONUS Coaching Session with Dr. Dorie! This 30-minute session conducted via phone can be scheduled before, during, or after you complete your 6-Week Self-Help program. For best results, Dr. Dorie suggests that you schedule your call after you have looked through all of the materials, but BEFORE you begin, so that she can get to know you and offer some specific areas of focus as you do the program. Then, if you’d like to continue with coaching sessions while you do the program, ask Dr. Dorie about special rates for Coaching Packages!
Dr. Dorie's UnDiet™ Program & FREE Coaching Session!
NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL! Purchase downloadable program
and get a FREE 1-on-1 COACHING SESSION with Dr. Dorie!
When you purchase Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ you get a 30-minute COACHING SESSION by telephone, for no additional charge! You’ll receive Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ downloadable resources, along with details about scheduling your FREE 30-minute phone coaching session with Dr. Dorie. She can assist you to achieve the healthy success you desire and deserve!
Monday… that was the day I’d always start a new diet. I’d “be good” all week, and then I’d have a “cheat day” on Sunday. Eventually, I’d “cheat” all weekend, and then all week. I’d give up, until yet another diet on yet another Monday. I did UnDiet™ coaching with Dr. Dorie 20 years ago, and what a difference it made! Now, I NEVER diet on Mondays… or any other day! – MELISSA, Denver CO
WATCH FOR AN EMAIL FROM DR. DORIE within 24 hours after your purchase. The email will give you access to the UnDiet™ Workbook and audio files, plus details about scheduling your coaching session with Dr. Dorie!