Dr. Dorie™ is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist with 25+ years of clinical experience. She is passionate about guiding her clients on their journeys of recovery and freedom, as well as training clinicians, coaches, and peer support specialists to make a unique difference for the clients they serve. She lives in the mountains near Denver, Colorado where she loves hiking with her dog.
Dr. Dorie™ has a VISION: that all people are free from issues with eating and weight, and therefore able to live their Highest and Best Lives.
Dr. Dorie™ has a MISSION: to share her holistic healing message of Feed our Hungry Soul™ worldwide, through her Podcast, Soon-To-Be-Released Book, Self-Help Programs, Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching, Weight Success Coaching, and Coaching provided by other professionals trained and certified by Dr. Dorie.